Our Sustainability Commitment
We are committed to creating a brighter future through Sustainability Innovation
At Edible Blooms we love doing our part to help the environment and finding innovative solutions to achieve our sustainability goals. It’s been our number one focus that we started in 2019 and continue to roll out new initiatives through 2020 and beyond. We are thrilled to share our active role in making the world a cleaner place for ours, and future generations.
In 2016 we set a three year goal to make all our packaging 100% reusable or recyclable. We’ve searched high and low for alternative options that still give our products that big smile on arrival, and we’re super pleased to let you know that we are close to mpletion of this project. Woohoo!
Some of the environmental ticks we have accumulated to date include:
- We proudly use custom designed cardboard bases to create the shapes of our amazing bouquets which you can flatpack into your standard domestic recycle bins #nofloralfoam.
- Bouquet sticks are made from 100% recycled paper and go straight into your recycle bin after your bouquet has been enjoyed.
- Printing materials are carbon offset and we only use environmentally friendly ink. Wherever possible we also only print on 100% recycled paper stocks.
- Our patented bloom holders are not only refillable (yes, that means 100% reusable!), they are produced using biodegradable additives in their production process.
- In 2022 we're in the process of phasing out our petals used in our bouquet designs to be 100% recyclable. Currently all green and red bouquets have transitioned to this product and the remainder of our range will continue to move across over the coming months.
Lindt & Sprüngli.
Sustainability is an integral part of their business principles and strategy plays a key role in ensuring long-term success.Learn more about Lindt & Sprüngli commitment to sustainable resourcing, their farming program, and the preservation of biodiversity and natural ecosystems.
- Chocolatier
Chocolatier creates our star and heart-shaped chocolates, and speckles. They are members of Rainforest Alliance, an organisation working to ensure the sustainable and ethical production of cocoa around the world,find out more
- Our premium Hamper boxes are designed to be re-used for storage. They magnetise together so when not being used they can be easily stored and flattened for when you have a purpose for them.

- Edible Blooms signature tinware is completely reusable – they can be found in many offices throughout the globe as a pen container, and as display pots in gardens and homes.
Delivery boxes are made from recycled board and are recyclable.
If you have any further suggestions on how we can improve our environmental footprint, drop us a line at auckland@edibleblooms.co.nz We would love to hear from you!